The Government of the Canary Islands has given us the Award for Business Excellence

  • In its decision, the Government recognises Canaragua's business vision as one that makes it a benchmark organisation.
  • Care for the environment, prevention of occupational hazards and quality are the forces driving us to continue improving.


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Canaragua has received the Government of the Canary Islands' Award for Business Excellence in the medium-sized and large enterprise category. Now in its 8th year, it was given by the Ministry of Economy, Industry, Commerce and Knowledge in a ceremony held on Friday, 15 December.

The goal of this acclaimed award, created by the Government of the Canary Islands, is to acknowledge the tireless effort and work of the archipelago's companies. It also rewards promotion of the principles of quality, excellence and innovation as key management factors for improving business competitiveness.

The commitment to quality, the environment and work health and safety has been an integral part of our group's culture for many years, and it is something we try to communicate to all the Canary Island homes, businesses, institutions and government agencies with which we interact. This unflagging, unshakeable commitment is the force that drives us to improve every day.

The Award has highlighted Canaragua's business vision as a benchmark organisation in its fields of business, applying the methodology of excellence, innovation, dialogue, sustainable business growth and local development as key corporate values.

By way of example, Canaragua has implemented and certified an Integrated Management System for the water utilities it manages, under the following standards: OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management; UNE EN-ISO 9001 Quality Management System; UNE EN-ISO 14001 Environmental Management System; and UNE EN-ISO 50001 Energy Management System.