Water reuse

Circular economy: energy self-sufficiency and zero waste

The Canary Islands is a leading model in the reuse of water


At Canaragua, we recycle used water for secondary uses such as watering gardens and green areas, crops and golf courses, among others. These uses do not need drinking water quality, so we can reserve drinking water for human consumption.

Canaragua operates 10 treatment plants with a range of technology for treating water for reuse. The plants have an annual output of over 7,000,000 m3.

The Canary Islands is a leading model in the reuse of water for the tourism sector. It would be infeasible for the archipelago to receive a record number of visitors and ensure the sustainability of the model in the future without efficient water management. In this area, Canaragua is a leader in the provision of services for the tourism sector. The company supplies reclaimed water from reuse at the Las Burras WWTP, situated to the south of the Gran Canaria island, to three golf courses. Together they occupy a surface area of 2 km2  and consumed 1,700,000 m3  of reused water last year.

Water treatment systems are: infiltration-percolation, gravity filtration, pressure filtration, filtration with continuous cleaning, ultrafiltration, and reverse electrodialysis.

The advantages of using reclaimed water are unquestionable. It saves drinking water, CO2 emissions and consequently reduces the water footprint. We should move towards a true circular economy based on energy self-sufficiency and zero waste.