Municipal Works Services

with a consolidated staff of 35 employees

Our management model


We currently manage the movable and immovable property upkeep and maintenance service in the town of La Orotava, under a contract awarded in July 2008. With more than 15 years of experience in managing this service, CANARAGUA guarantees the necessary technical expertise, infrastructure and human capital to perform all service-related work to the full satisfaction of La Orotava Town Council and the town's residents.

Our management model is based on detailed knowledge of the service and the town, the reliability and experience of the human team assigned to the service, adequate provision of material resources, use of the most advanced technologies, and the support of specialised companies and suppliers, inside and outside of the town.

  • The main activities performed within the service are:

    - Maintenance and simple repair of streets, squares and municipally owned and operated property, and also all the other municipally owned property whose use is assigned to other entities or associations included within the contract's scope. The contract's scope also includes the maintenance of properties that, while not being municipally owned, are leased or assigned to the Town Council for rendering public services, and this lien is stated in the corresponding contracts.
    Horizontal and vertical street signs and signage in general, excluding the general traffic light system.
    Preventive and corrective maintenance of urban furniture and the furniture inside the properties allocated for municipal use.
    Full upkeep and management of the municipal cemetery and the other municipal mortuary services. Full maintenance of the municipal vehicle fleet.
    Different services during cultural, sports, recreational and similar activities.
    - Material supply to municipal premises.

As manager of the service since 2008, we employ highly skilled, experienced personnel matched to the needs of the contract. We foster job stability with a consolidated staff of 35 employees and an average length of service exceeding 10 years.

We operate two facilities for rendering the service. The first is located at "La Cancela"; it has several workshops in which the items to be placed in different parts of the town are manufactured and/or repaired, an office for administrative work and storage areas for materials. The second is located in Calle Hermano Apolinar, which is where a large part of the administrative work, the service's technical office and public service centre are located.

Through our experience, we have progressively adapted the vehicle fleet to the service's real needs, as each type of activity requires specific vehicles and machinery. We also operate a fleet upgrade programme, with 18 vehicles equipped for different uses.